Sunday, March 29, 2009

For Da Fellas what do u look for in True love?

If u could narrow ur question, you could probably get a better answer. But moving on you asked for an answer and you will get one long though it may be.

Firstly the search (as I will call it is one of the most interesting processes). Even though you have asked for my opinion I would guess that your question has two parts. Now if there is a man u are in particular 'looking' at, or you are looking to find a 'good' man be cautious. First part of the caution is do not seek the 'thing' (relationship), over the person (the one you will relate to in the relationship). Second part of the caution is that if there is a 'good' man that you are looking at you need to be resolute enough that you do not pin all your hopes on 'him' if you do you will potentially be disappointed, not that there is anything wrong with you, but there is the potential to think it if u pin all ur hopes. If go forward with the mentality that it would be good 'if', but if not it is not the end of my life you are in a better position and are less likely to obsess.

Next part is that ideas placed here may not give you the most rounded view of what guys think, so do not be prepared to accept what is said because 'we said it', everyone is quintessentially individual and you have to judge each person on their own personal merits. Just thought I'd mention that I'm glad you are asking because alot of women talk to women who got their advice from 'women' lol.

So my opinion now, uuummm I look for a woman who can support me as well as me supporting her. A woman who understands herself and is able to apologise after outburts, understands she is not always right and does not excessively push me (nagging). A woman who is motivated and able to excel in all that she does. A woman who has faith in herself and faith in me (very poiniant). A woman who does not always speak but knows when to talk and when to keep quiet, finally the most important a woman who believes in and loves God. May seem like a big list but hey if you do not have a criteria you cannot appreciate the person when they arrive. But one key I believe is to know what you want and whether you are ready or not. For myself Iam not ready there are some things I need to sort out before I can seriously get into a relationship, but yeah hope that helped.

And remember seek the way you relate (true definition of relationship), Rather than having a person on your arm for the sake of people watching.

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